SilcBool silc_ber_decode(SilcBuffer ber, SilcBerClass *ber_class, SilcBerEncoding *encoding, SilcUInt32 *tag, const unsigned char **data, SilcUInt32 *data_len, SilcBool *indefinite, SilcUInt32 *identifier_len);
Decodesa a BER data from the buffer `ber'. Returns the class, encoding and the tag number for the BER data into `ber_class', `encoding' and `tag'. A pointer to the start of the data area is returned into `data'. If the length of the data is available from the BER data the length is returned into `data_len'. If the `indefinite' is TRUE then the length found in `data_len' was found by finding end-of-contents octets from the BER data. The `identifier_len' is the length of the BER header, and the length of the entire BER object is `identifier_len' + `data_len'.