

    SilcAsyncOperation silc_skr_find(SilcSKR skr, SilcSchedule schedule,
                                     SilcSKRFind find,
                                     SilcSKRFindCallback callback,
                                     void *callback_context);


Finds key(s) from key repository `skr' by the search constraints `find'. As the finding procedure may be asynchronous this returns SilcAsyncOperation that may be used to control (like abort) the operation. The `callback' with `callback_context' will be called to return found keys. If this returns NULL the finding was not asynchronous, and the `callback' has been called already.


   SilcSKRFind find;

   // Find all SILC public keys originating from Finland
   find = silc_skr_find_alloc();
   silc_skr_find_set_pkcs_type(find, SILC_PKCS_SILC);
   silc_skr_find_set_country(find, "FI");

   // Find
   silc_skr_find(skr, schedule, find, find_callback, cb_context);