

    SilcAsyncOperation silc_pkcs_sign_async(SilcPrivateKey private_key,
                                            unsigned char *src,
                                            SilcUInt32 src_len,
                                            SilcBool compute_hash,
                                            SilcHash hash,
                                            SilcRng rng,
                                            SilcPKCSSignCb sign_cb,
                                            void *context);


Computes signature with the private key. The `sign_cb' will be called to deliver the signature data. If `compute_hash' is TRUE the `hash' will be used to compute a message digest over the `src'. The `hash' is NULL the default hash function is used. The `rng' should always be provided. The signature operation may be asynchronous if the `private_key' is accelerated private key. If this returns NULL the asynchronous operation cannot be controlled.