SilcAsyncOperation silc_pkcs_verify_async(SilcPublicKey public_key, unsigned char *signature, SilcUInt32 signature_len, unsigned char *data, SilcUInt32 data_len, SilcBool compute_hash, SilcHash hash, SilcPKCSVerifyCb verify_cb, void *context);
Verifies signature. The `verify_cb' will be called to deliver the result of the verification process. The 'signature' is verified against the 'data'. If `compute_hash' hash is TRUE the `hash' will be used in verification. If `hash' is NULL, the hash algorithm to be used is retrieved from the signature. If it isn't present in the signature the default hash function is used. The `rng' is usually not needed and may be NULL. If this returns NULL the asynchronous operation cannot be controlled.